"Eating Keto in the Backcountry" with Backcountry Rookies - Next Mile Meals

"Eating Keto in the Backcountry" with Backcountry Rookies


Keto Hunting-Hero-Blog-Next Mile Meals

As this year's hiking season is just getting started, we were so excited to sit down with the Backcountry Rookies podcast and chat through healthy hiking in the backcountry.

Next Mile Meals has grown over the past year, and during that time we've learned so much about the other outdoor adventurers who have been craving a better trail food option. We grew up fishing on the east coast in Pennsylvania and Virginia, but we've been learning so much about the backcountry hunters that have been following along. This is why we're so excited about this podcast: a chance for hikers and hunters to sit down and discuss how much we have in common: hunters can learn a lot from ultralight backpacking tips, and as hikers we're learning more and more every day about the conservation efforts spearheaded by the hunting community. 

Take a listen!



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